Chrysalis or Cocoon – Transformational or Incremental

When we refer to the miraculous metamorphosis of the caterpillar into the butterfly, we often use the words “Chrysalis” and “Cocoon” interchangeably. However, they do not describe the same thing. In my book “Undisruptable”, I detail some of the similarities of the transformation of the caterpillar and the transformation of organisations and individuals alike. For this Thursday Thought, I’d like to zoom in on one specific element of this transformation: the difference between “Chrysalis” and “Cocoon”, an element I removed from the book in a bid to make it shorter.

Aidan McCullen

Undisruptable: A Mindset of Permanent Reinvention with Aidan McCullen

While we cannot see into the future, there are repeatable patternsĀ thatĀ we can understand. The first step to becoming Undisruptable is to realize that evolution is a natural part of life,Ā andĀ nature provides many examples.Ā  If you havenā€™t guessed already that is the blurb for my own book and because of so many requests from former guests and listeners. I will be interviewed today by guest host, a friend of the innovation and professional friend, Whitney Johnson.

Facing Fear

Courage to Speak Up and an Inability not to

While psychological safety is the foundation for a functional work environment, there is still an onus on us to have the courage to speak up. Leaders can encourage this behaviour by listening without judgement, allocating time to hear what their people have to say and having some mechanism in place to take action based on what people share. While the organisation and leadership have a major role to play in setting the stage, it ultimately comes down to us as individuals. Will we stand up and have courage? Will we speak up when it matters most?

Jonas Altman Shapers

Shapers: Reinvent the Way You Work and Change the Future with Jonas Altman

A shaper is someone who becomes energised by work.
The way they work provides for the highest expression of self.
They lead deeper and more fulfilling lives because what they do every day serves them and the greater good.

We welcome the author of Shapers, Jonas Altman


Orpheus and The Business World: Organisational Drag & Gravitational Pull

The legend of Orpheus and Eurydice is a story of love, faith and transformation. It provides a wonderful analogy for letting go of the past and having faith in the future.

To transform we must let go of the way things used to be. Yes, we must respect the old order of things, but then let go.

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